Sunday, October 26, 2014


 This is one of my favorite oils from the Premium Starter Kit!!

When I was pregnant with my littlest, my normal antibacterial household cleaner gave me killer headaches and made my terrible morning sickness even worse. My friend gave me a bottle of the Thieves Household Cleaner concentrate to use instead. I loved it. It smells so good and does a fantastic job at cleaning my house - and, best of all, it didn't give me a terrible headache to use it! The cleaner is so concentrated that I'm still using the same twenty-two ounce bottle that I started with over a year ago. Great value for the money!!

Thieves is made up of clove, cinnamon bark, rosemary, lemon and eucalyptus essential oils. 

Here are a few things I've learned about Thieves:

Anytime we are around a lot of people that day, I always put a diluted drop of Thieves on my four year-old son's feet before bed to help keep his immune system up and I put a drop on my feet undiluted (or neat). It's also one of my favorite oils to diffuse - it has a sweet and spicy scent that is perfect for fall with the added bonus of helping to cleanse the air of bacteria.

What are your favorite ways to use Thieves?

Thursday, October 23, 2014

What I'm Diffusing

I think it would be fun if once a week or so, I shared a few of my favorite blends in my diffuser from the week! I have completely fallen in love with my diffuser - it makes my house smell SO good and it can completely change the atmosphere depending on what I put in it.

This week I've been loving...

What have you been diffusing this week?

I have also been experimenting with a few DIY recipes using my essential oils. I hope to have a few of those to share next week!!

Have a great Thursday!

Tuesday, October 21, 2014


This little oil is what jump-started my adventures into essential oils.

And this little sweet baby up until a couple of weeks ago had rarely - if ever - slept through the entire night. I think we had a couple of fluke nights back when he was about three months old, but for the last four months, he's been up at least once (usually twice or more) to eat or get his pacifier put back in.

He caught a cold and I was desperate for some relief for him so we could all get some sleep. I read that lavender was good for easing congestion in babies and so I diluted a drop in a tiny bit of coconut oil and then rubbed it into his chest and the bottoms of his feet. And he slept. The entire night.

I was sold.

Since then, I've been doing more research. Lavender is one of the absolute most versatile and safe oils - especially for babies and children. A few things I've found out about it recently:

Lavender is best known in my house for helping my little bear sleep. Yesterday, I added one drop of lavender and two drops of lemon to the home diffuser from the Premium Starter Kit and it smelled so heavenly in my house!!

Do you use lavender oil? What is your favorite way to use it?

Monday, October 20, 2014


Welcome to my new blog!

I am a wife, mom and I work from home as a writer. I spend my days playing with my two sweet boys, cleaning up messes, trying to cook healthy on a pretty tight budget and most recently, learning more about essential oils.

I first tried Young Living essential oils when my littlest son got yet another cold at almost seven months old. To that point, he had rarely slept through the night and when he had gotten sick before he had been up on an almost hourly basis all through the night. So I was desperate to find something that would help him breathe better!

I borrowed Lavender, Thieves and R.C., carefully researched how to put them on him and put him to bed. He slept for eleven hours. Straight. And continued to do so for a week!

I immediately scraped together a little of our savings and bought the Premium Starter Kit. And there's been no looking back since. ;)

This blog is going to be my written journey of how I learn to use the oils - different ways I discover to keep my family healthy, keep my home smelling good even with my two small, stinky boys and keep us all sleeping well.

I hope you'll join me for it!!
