Tuesday, October 21, 2014


This little oil is what jump-started my adventures into essential oils.

And this little sweet baby up until a couple of weeks ago had rarely - if ever - slept through the entire night. I think we had a couple of fluke nights back when he was about three months old, but for the last four months, he's been up at least once (usually twice or more) to eat or get his pacifier put back in.

He caught a cold and I was desperate for some relief for him so we could all get some sleep. I read that lavender was good for easing congestion in babies and so I diluted a drop in a tiny bit of coconut oil and then rubbed it into his chest and the bottoms of his feet. And he slept. The entire night.

I was sold.

Since then, I've been doing more research. Lavender is one of the absolute most versatile and safe oils - especially for babies and children. A few things I've found out about it recently:

Lavender is best known in my house for helping my little bear sleep. Yesterday, I added one drop of lavender and two drops of lemon to the home diffuser from the Premium Starter Kit and it smelled so heavenly in my house!!

Do you use lavender oil? What is your favorite way to use it?

1 comment:

  1. I use it neat on all of us. For sleep promotion. For relaxation. A few drops in the bath before bed. Diffused it to help sleep. Diffused it with lemon and peppermint to help with allergies. I've heard a drop helps with splinter removal (need to see it to believe it - ha!) I've watched it instantly calm the little babe down when waved under her nose. I've heard it helps with bug bites and sunburns. Love this oil. There's SO much it can do! So versatile! I call it a "must have." :) ~ Jen
