Monday, October 20, 2014


Welcome to my new blog!

I am a wife, mom and I work from home as a writer. I spend my days playing with my two sweet boys, cleaning up messes, trying to cook healthy on a pretty tight budget and most recently, learning more about essential oils.

I first tried Young Living essential oils when my littlest son got yet another cold at almost seven months old. To that point, he had rarely slept through the night and when he had gotten sick before he had been up on an almost hourly basis all through the night. So I was desperate to find something that would help him breathe better!

I borrowed Lavender, Thieves and R.C., carefully researched how to put them on him and put him to bed. He slept for eleven hours. Straight. And continued to do so for a week!

I immediately scraped together a little of our savings and bought the Premium Starter Kit. And there's been no looking back since. ;)

This blog is going to be my written journey of how I learn to use the oils - different ways I discover to keep my family healthy, keep my home smelling good even with my two small, stinky boys and keep us all sleeping well.

I hope you'll join me for it!!


1 comment:

  1. I will join you! I'll be with you all the way on this! Excited to see what you learn and what I may learn myself!!!! :):) ~ Jen
